Individuals with serious and persistent mental illness can attain the same things out of life as any other individual. They have the same wants and needs as anyone else (home, work, relationships, etc.) and can attain them if given the proper support and encouragement. It is with that philosophy in mind that High Country Behavioral Health operates the Solutions House in Douglas, Wyoming. The program's main objective is to help residents attain the highest level of functioning and maximum stability during their treatment.
The Solutions House is a psychiatric rehabilitation program for adults with serious and persistent mental illness. These illnesses include, but are not limited to:
• Schizophrenia
• Bipolar Disorder
• Severe Major Depressive Disorder
The Solutions House program combines the management of clinical symptoms with rehabilitation by capitalizing on an individual's strengths to help them attain true community integration and maximize their well-being. All services are highly individualized and client-centered under a core team model approach.
For more information on the program and how it may help you, or a loved one, contact our Douglas office directly.
In Hawaiian, the word “Ohana” refers to extended family, a community, or circle of friends who share common goals and values. The Ohana House is a place that nurtures that philosophy. The Ohana facility and staff provide a safe place where severely mental ill (SMI) individuals can learn to live independently, alongside other community members on a similar path. It is not a psychiatric treatment facility, but an in-apartment community living program.
The program allows residents to live independently while working towards specific treatment plan goals. These goals may include:
• Development of personal accountability and responsibility
• Development of life skills
• Constructive use of time
• Re-integration into the community
The Ohana staff provides guidance and support as residents learn life skills necessary for independent living, such as caring for themselves and their surroundings, menu planning, financial budgeting, cooking, shopping, laundry, basic personal hygiene, and basic maintenance of living quarters and grounds. In addition, residents have the opportunity to engage with other community members in activities that promote social development and relationship building.
For more information on the program and how it may help you, or a loved one, contact our Rawlins office directly.
Ohana House in Rawlins, Wyoming